Biggles and Son: Chapter 19.

by Sopwith

Disclaimer: I do not own, or claim to own, any of the Biggles series characters used in this work. This fan fiction was written for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered part of the official storyline.

Warning: Non canon type fan fiction works may contain severe time mix-ups and character deviations.

Biggles stared at the scene before him as his mind went blank with shock. Then, a red mist descended in front of his eyes and he went completely mad.

He did not recall any of the events of the next five minutes or so, except for a dull voice in his head that kept repeating, over and over, “Algy kissed Jane. Algy kissed Jane. Algy kissed Jane!!!!”

When he finally came back to his senses again he found himself staring into the anxious face of Sebastian. The front of the restaurant was empty, and both Algy and Jane were nowhere in sight.

Biggles dared to believe, for one relieved second, that he had been mistaken. Perhaps he’d simply imagined the scene, or perhaps he’d had a touch of sun from the long walk to the garage.

His hopes were dashed almost instantly as Sebastian said, “Was that Uncle Algy? Why was he kissing Mom?”

“You saw it, too, then?” he inquired, in strangled tones.

“Yes. What happened to you? You went all strange.”

Biggles ignored the question. “Did you see where they went?” he asked, his lips pressing to a thin straight line.

“No. I was looking at you.”

“You stay here a minute,” ordered Biggles. “I’m going to see if I can find them.”


“No buts!” snapped Biggles. “You do as you’re told, understand? Now stay here until I get back!”

Sebastian, looking hurt, subsided.


Brechovich seemed unusually cheerful as he continued to drive. He even began to whistle. Algy felt appalled by the man’s callousness, but could find nothing to say. He doubted that the Russian would have understood him if he had said anything anyway.

Jane seemed quite happy as well, humming in the backseat as she applied some face powder. She murmured something to Brechovich in Russian, to which he replied with a laugh. Algy, left out of the joke, felt a pang of unease.

They drove until they came to a small restaurant by the side of the road, upon which Brechovich stopped the car and announced, “Eat.”

Grateful to have something to take his mind off of the situation at hand, and glad to get the chance to stretch his legs, Algy got out of the car and went inside the restaurant.

It was a small place run by an old woman and her husband, but the food was better than Algy had expected, and he easily found room for second helpings of everything. Throughout the meal he said little, preferring to leave the chatter to Jane and Brechovich.

Having satisfied his appetite at last, he decided to go out for a smoke. The atmosphere at the table had grown increasingly uncomfortable as the meal had progressed. The behavior exhibited by Jane and Brechovich would have been bad enough had they been strangers; the fact that Jane was Biggles’ wife made it about a hundred times worse.

Outside the restaurant, he lit a cigarette and felt better almost at once as he put it into his mouth. There really was nothing like a good smoke to put things in perspective, he mused, as he breathed in deeply.

“Good thing Biggles isn’t around to see the way she behaves,” he murmured to himself, unaware that Biggles was inside the garage just across the street.


  1. So now I'm more confused than ever! ~x(
    Just what IS going on?

    Sebastian certainly asked the million dollar question there. Yes - just what IS 'Uncle Algy' doing kissing his Mom?

    Also: And where is Biggles off to?He's getting snappy. That's never a good sign. I'm betting things are going to get pretty hot pretty soon for everyone concerned!

  2. On perceiving a new chapter: Oh goody...
    On reading it: Erm... :-/ My mind is far from clear. I shan't sleep tonight...

  3. Just to get this straight... Does the second half of chapter 19 take place (chronologically) before the abomination that is *the moment* in chapter 18? :)

  4. JJ--Biggles is off to put the balloon up. Bet he's foaming at the mouth now!!

    AA--yes, the second half of this chapter occurs before the horrific moment that we shall not name...

  5. Nice to know :)
    Now we only have to re-read this chapter several times (and see if we can put any light on this irretrievably disastrous situation), and then I'll sit on the edge of my chair, suspensefully awaiting chapter 22! Good times...

  6. Argh! What was that joke!? I need to know - it's evidence...

  7. You are not wrong there AA.

    If Algy manages to survive Biggles' wrath and Jane's schemes and Brochovich's bullets long enough to get to the end of this story, bet the first thing he does is book himself in for a crash course in Russian!

  8. Obviously Jane's face powder contained a chemical that Jane and B-unpronounceable both KNEW Algy was allergic too... cruel people

    Yes, indeed, JJ. Poor Algy... imagine if it was something totally useless, like: 'Why did the man take a pencil to bed? ... To draw the curtains!'
    (Although I personally find that hilarious...)

  9. It might be interesting to wonder which of them Biggles will go for first when he gets to them: Algy or Jane?

  10. I don't think Biggles would ever hit a woman, but he's socked more than a few blokes in his time. Algy's chances don't look good!

    Poisonous lipstick...hazardous face powder... that woman's make-up bag should be confiscated in the name of public safety!

  11. Not to mention the deadly heels and the shocking pink clothing (which could probably kill someone with a weak heart with just a glance all on its own!)


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© The Algy Chronicles
Maira Gall