Biggles Married Chapter 3.

By Sopwith

Disclaimer: I do not own, or claim to own, any of the Biggles series characters used in this work. This fan fiction was written for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered part of the official storyline. 

Warning: Non canon type fan fiction works may contain severe time mix-ups and character deviations. 

Algy half-sat, half-lay in the comfortable armchair, casually sipping from a cup of tea. His eyes were fixed intently on Biggles, the relaxed pose contradicting his close attention.

Biggles frowned as he thought out loud. “…all right, here’s the plan. I’ll take Algy and go and have a dekko at this island. If I don’t come back in a week, Bertie and Ginger will have to come after us. If nothing is wrong, we ought to be home before then.”

Jane glared at her husband. “And what about me, James?” she demanded, annoyed. “When am I supposed to go out? And more importantly, how? In the one-seater?”

“Single-seater,” corrected Biggles automatically. His wife glared at him. “Er…oh.” Biggles looked flustered. “Umm…”

“You never had any intention of letting me come, did you? A fine husband you make, one that forgets his wife exists before the ink on the wedding papers are even dry!”

“Now, look, Jane,” began Biggles.

“I’m coming!”


“No buts, James. You should know by now that I’m not a coward, or someone who backs down easily. And,” she continued in a softer tone, “it is supposed to be our honeymoon, isn't it?”

Biggles studied his wife for a few minutes before he spoke. “All right,” he agreed reluctantly. “You can come. Bertie, you’ll fly the single-seater. Ginger, you’ll take the two-seater with Jane as your passenger. Though there’s probably nothing much wrong at the place anyway,” he added lamely. “Perhaps it’s some simple thing that’ll be cleared up quite easily.”

Jane smiled.

Ginger exchanged a glance with Algy but made no comment.

Biggles spoke again. “Before I go to this place I’d like to see that fellow Raymond talked about. I've got a few things I want to know.”

“No time like the present.” Ginger jumped to his feet. “We’ll fly over.”

“Calm down, laddie,” chided Biggles, with a faint smile. “It’s almost midnight, and I doubt whether he’d be up to welcoming guests at this time of night. No, we’ll start tomorrow, about six-ish, I think. That should give us some time to sleep. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired.” He yawned.

“As you say, noble chief.” Bertie polished his monocle.

“Right.” Biggles rose to his feet. “We’ll meet at the aerodrome at six thirty tomorrow--how’s that?”

Jane groaned. She hated early awakenings. They always made her grouchy.


  1. Early mornings made her grouchy?? I thought she already WAS grouchy.... :P

  2. Grouchy-ER?

    She's not an easy person to like, is she?

  3. Actually, they kind of remind me of Basil and Sybil Fawlty.....or at least, she's rather like Sybil....!

  4. I feel like Algy is just dying to get her in a plane passenger seat, tell her Biggles is on his way, and then just leave her there.

    In the middle of the Pacific, ideally....

  5. But of course, being the perfect gentleman he would never dream of doing that, more's the pity...


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Maira Gall