Biggles Married Chapter 2.

By Sopwith

Disclaimer: I do not own, or claim to own, any of the Biggles series characters used in this work. This fan fiction was written for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered part of the official storyline.

Warning: Non canon type fan fiction works may contain severe time mix-ups and character deviations. 

Ginger almost tore the taxi door off of its hinges."Biggles-" he began, before Biggles had even finished getting off the vehicle. "I'm-"

"Steady on, laddie," chuckled Biggles. "Well, I suppose Raymond is in his office?"

"Yes, and-" Ginger's jaw dropped as Jane got out of the taxi behind Biggles. "Oh, er, hello," he managed, weakly.

"Hello," Jane said coolly. "What's the matter? Didn't James tell you I was coming?"

Ginger looked helplessly at Biggles, who shrugged in reply. "Er, no..."

"Ah, there you are, Bigglesworth," Air Commodore Raymond called, coming towards them. "I've been waiting for you. Sorry to break up your honeymoon. Oh, how do you do, Mrs. Bigglesworth? I'm Air Commodore Raymond."

"How do you do?" Jane returned, frostily.

"I say, old chap!" Bertie hurried up, monocle in hand. "I'm sorry to be late and all that. Hope I haven't missed anything?"

"Er, no..." said Ginger.

"Biggles!" Another car skidded to a halt just behind the departing taxi and Algy jumped out with a shout. "I've got the planes, sir," he added, to Raymond. "Two two-seaters.'

Jane glared at her husband. "You didn't tell them, did you?" she said accusingly. Raising her voice, she went on, "I don't know what all this is about yet, but I'm going with James on this one, since this is the thing that broke up our honeymoon.'

Algy's jaw dropped. "But they only signed for two planes."

Ginger stared at Jane. "And it's in Germany. And there'll be bombs and dogfights...."

Jane lifted her chin. "I'm going,” she announced.


Algy duly drove back to get another machine while Biggles and Jane went with Air Commodore Raymond and the others to hear the story.

“It’s like this, Bigglesworth,” Raymond began. “There’s an island in the Pacific that used to belong to Germany.”

“Used to?” murmured Biggles, a puzzled expression crossing his face.

“It was theirs in the war, but now it’s ours, or is supposed to be ours anyway. The thing is, there are quite a lot of planes and things on that island--apparently they used the place for a sort of air base or something. There’s petrol, bombs, guns…”

“But what’s that got to do with us?” Jane demanded, looking annoyed.

“Well, Mrs. Bigglesworth, the island is officially ours, but…well…people are apt to disappear on it.”

“Disappear?” Biggles said, astonished.

“Yes. There was a chap who wanted to buy the place and he went off to have a look at it. No one’s heard from him since. And then we sent an official out there to take over. He sent back one report, saying everything looked all right, then was never heard from again either.”

Biggles whistled. “That sounds as though something was up,” he said slowly.

“But why send James out?” persisted Jane. “The proper people to send out would be an army or something of the sort.”

“I need someone to find out what’s going on,” replied Raymond. “There’re rumors that someone’s doing a spot of smuggling or something of the sort. I’d like you to look into it before we do anything. The people in charge don’t really want to take over by force. That sort of thing could easily start another war, you know.”


At this point in the proceedings, Algy walked into the room.

“Any trouble?” ssked Biggles

“Not much,” was the reply. “They hemmed and hawed a bit about regulations and rules, but they signed it in the end.”

“Good,” said Biggles. “You lot can start getting packed. We leave as soon as possible.”

“So you’re going,” observed the Air Commodore.

“I should have thought that was a foregone conclusion, sir,” grinned Biggles. “By the way, sir. I think Alg--I mean, Lacey--mentioned something about a man we have in Germany?”

“Oh, yes, of course. I almost forgot. There’s a man in Germany now who knows the island quite well. He served there during the war and was there for about a year. He was a spy sent by our side to look over the place. If there’s anything you need to know, he’s the man to ask.”

“Hmm,” Biggles said thoughtfully. “I’ve got some questions that I might want to ask him, but it’s nothing very urgent.”

“I’ll write out his address for you,” offered the Air Commodore.

“Thanks, sir,” acknowledged Biggles, taking the piece of paper that was held out to him and glancing over it. “I’ll memorize it when I have the time.”

Ginger grinned eagerly. “Shall we get cracking, chief?”

Jane groaned inwardly as the four airmen took their leave of the Air Commodore and trooped outside to the car. James was smiling as if risking his life was a dream come true.

It looks like our honeymoon in the air has officially startedand I’m not sure I like it

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Maira Gall