Biggles Married Chapter 1.

By Sopwith

Disclaimer: I do not own, or claim to own, any of the Biggles series characters used in this work. This fan fiction was written for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered part of the official storyline. 

Warning: Non canon type fan fiction works may contain severe time mix-ups and character deviations. 

"But, James, dear, surely you can take a week off," Jane Bigglesworth, nee Trant, said to her husband, James Bigglesworth, who was known as "Biggles" to his many friends (and enemies). "I'm sure Mr. Raymond wouldn't mind."

"Colonel Raymond, dear," corrected Biggles.

"Well, surely he wouldn't mind," Jane persisted.

"Jane, dear, people are trying to take over the world every day. What am I supposed to say? 'Sorry, would like to prolong honeymoon. Please ask crooks to hold crime for an extra week'?"

Jane sighed. Life with a policeman husband was going to be harder than she’d thought.

Biggles leaned back in his chair and calmly lit a cigarette.

"James, dear, must you smoke now?" Jane asked, a note of mild complaint in her voice.

"What? Oh, sorry, dear," Biggles muttered, putting out his cigarette on the expensive ashtray in front of him. "I forgot that you don't like the smell of smoke."

"Excuse me, sir, but would you be Mr. Bigglesworth?" A waiter asked, approaching their table with a slip of paper in his hand.

"Yes, why?"

"There's a ‘phone call for you, sir. From a Mr. Lacey."

"Algy!" exclaimed Biggles, jumping to his feet. "Whatever can have happened now?"

Jane looked at him, a frown on her face. "But James dear, I thought you weren't going to leave any forwarding addresses! I thought we were going to have a quiet honeymoon together..."

"Uh…" Biggles cleared his throat, looking rather embarrassed. "I did leave a number...for...uh...emergencies..."

"What?" Jane leapt to her feet. "You didn't!"

The waiter gave a discreet cough. "Er, the phone, sir."

"All right," Biggles said soothingly. "Look, Jane, I'll just go get the phone now. Perhaps Algy just called to say hello or something..."

"As if!" snorted Jane to herself, as her husband headed for the front desk of the expensive hotel they had chosen for what should have been a perfect honeymoon. She stared moodily at the beautiful cake in front of her. Dessert. Their honeymoon dessert. Jane sighed. As if Algy Lacey would ever call just to "say hello" to James!

Biggles reappeared at the table, his yet-to-be-unpacked suitcase in his hand. "Ah...Jane, dear. I've got to go. Raymond says that there's this chap in Germany who-"

"I thought this was supposed to be our HONEYMOON!" Jane snapped through gritted teeth, keeping her voice low so as not to attract the attention of the other guests.

"Yes, I know, but this could mean another war if I'm not there to-"

Jane gave an exasperated sigh. "Well, if you MUST break up our honeymoon, can you at least finish our cake before you go?"

"Cake? What...oh." Biggles hastily cut himself a slice of cake and started eating it with his fingers.

"James," hissed Jane. "Can't you use a fork and plate?"

"Muf na...hurry..." mumbled Biggles, through a mouthful of cake.

"Well, choking yourself isn't going to help, is it?" replied Jane coldly, thinking to herself, we just got here two hours ago. This must be the shortest honeymoon on record...

Then she had her brainwave.

"James, dear, I don't see why you should have all the fun...why don’t I go to Germany with you?" 

Go to Chapter 2.

Go back to Biggles Married contents


  1. A hilarious start but why can't I go to chapter 2 please?

  2. I haven't posted ch 2 yet. Sorry--still editing it between exam prep!

  3. Oh Biggles - you should have known better!

  4. AA-yes, he really should have, shouldn't he? But then again, he fell for Marie. Maybe he just has bad taste in women.

  5. Hilarious introduction, Sopwith. I'll look forward to reading the further chapters.

  6. I don't know how happy you'll be after seeing how badly Jane treats Biggles...


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© The Algy Chronicles
Maira Gall