Biggles and Son: Chapter 2.

by Sopwith

Disclaimer: I do not own, or claim to own, any of the Biggles series characters used in this work. This fan fiction was written for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered part of the official storyline.

Warning: Non canon type fan fiction works may contain severe time mix-ups and character deviations. 

There was a long silence after this, one which was broken by Maggie emerging from the kitchenette bearing a tray that contained a pot of tea and two teacups. “Shall I take this inside, sir?” she inquired.

Biggles did not reply, so it fell to Algy to say, “Yes, Mags, if you wouldn’t mind. Just put it all on the big table, will you?”

“Yes, sir.”

“What kind of quality time did you have in mind?” managed Biggles feebly, staring at the boy before him as if he were some sort of apparition. “I mean, I don’t—well, what I mean to say is, I don’t think I’d make much of a father, so if you’re…” he trailed off, uncertain what else to say.

Sebastian’s face fell. “I see,” he said slowly, and there was a sudden forlorn note in his voice that reminded the two airmen of just how young he really was. A faint bitter smile twisted at the boy’s lips, and he stared at the ground. “I should have known that this was going to happen. Mom didn’t want me either. Why should you be any different?”

“No!” protested Biggles quickly. “I didn’t mean that at all. It’s just…I…er…”

“It’s all right,” said Sebastian. “I don’t know why I got my hopes up. It’s not as if you’ve shown any interest in me for the past fourteen years of my life, so why should you start now, eh?” He shrugged and turned towards the door. “I’m sorry if I’ve inconvenienced you,” he said, back to his oddly formal tone once more.

“But—” said Biggles.

Algy slid smoothly to the rescue. “Have you had tea?” he inquired. “We were just about to have ours. Would you care to join us? And perhaps while we’re eating, you could tell us how you came to be here, and…things…”

Sebastian paused with his hand on the door handle.

“We’ve got some quite nice scones, I believe,” added Algy.

That seemed to clinch it. Sebastian turned. “All right,” he said.


Maggie brought in the promised scones, another teacup, and some bread and butter, and the trio settled themselves at the big table in the inner office. Sebastian tore into the food as if he had not eaten for months, and Algy had to ask Maggie to bring in another tray of food.

“Hungry, eh?” remarked Biggles, in a would-be hearty voice.

“Haven’t really had time to eat since I ran away from school,” mumbled Sebastian, through a mouthful of food. “It was at night so the larder was locked.”

“Why did you run away from school at night?” asked Algy, after exchanging a glance with Biggles.

“Because it’s a madhouse in there. There’re only a handful of boys left now that it’s the summer break, as well as one of the teachers, and he’s mental.”

“Well, that sounds quite bad,” admitted Biggles, striving to be sympathetic. “I, er…but you really shouldn’t have done that—I mean, run away. They must be quite frantic about you.”

Sebastian snorted. “Not them! Half the time no one even notices when we don’t come in for meals.”

“Have some more bread,” suggested Algy, pushing the plate towards him. “And how did you get here?”

“Stowed away on a train,” explained Sebastian calmly.

Biggles looked horrified. “What?”

“Bit of a laugh, really,” said the boy, unperturbed by Biggles’ reaction. “I mean, I had the money to get a ticket and everything, but I didn’t want to walk to the station so I just jumped on when it slowed at the bend near the school. Everyone does it.”

Biggles’ face took on the expression of someone asked to eat raw crocodile. “D’you mean to tell me that—”

Thankfully, just then the door opened and Bertie and Ginger walked in. “What ho, chaps!” said Bertie, with his usual cheer. “One less jolly smuggler in the sky, if you know what I mean. We nabbed him just in time, too.”

“Smuggler?” echoed Sebastian, looking interested.

The two newcomers seemed to notice the boy for the first time when he spoke. “Who’s this?” inquired Ginger, glancing at Biggles.

Biggles made a helpless gesture with his hands and once again Algy took over. “This is Sebastian. Jane’s son.”

“Jane who?” asked Ginger.

“Jane who used to be married to Biggles,” said Algy patiently.

“She still is married to you, actually,” put in Sebastian. “I mean, she sent the ring back and everything, but she didn’t get any boyfriends or anything like that after she left you. She still talks about you.”

“Really?” said Biggles, with an unnecessary amount of interest.

“Wait—” Ginger’s forehead was creased in thought. “You say this is Jane’s son, and Jane used to be married to Biggles, so…” he trailed off, and abruptly the pensive expression on his face was overtaken by one of pure horror. “Does that mean this is—Oh, my sainted aunt!”

“Yes,” said Algy.

Bertie said nothing aloud but adjusted his monocle to get a better look at the boy.

In the silence that followed, there was a knock on the door and Maggie appeared in the doorway. “Excuse me, sir. The superintendent’s on the ‘phone asking for you. He sounds a bit agitated.”

Biggles glanced up at the clock and gave a yelp of dismay, jumping up so quickly that he knocked his chair over. “I’m late for the air conference!” he cried. “Tell the superintendent that I’m on my way, Maggie. I’ll be there in five minutes. Algy—”

“I’ll take care of Sebastian,” promised Algy, already holding out Biggles’ jacket. “Give my best to the brass hats,” he shouted, as Biggles fled out of the front door in the manner of a hurricane.

Ginger exchanged a look with Bertie behind Algy’s back. “This is going to be fun,” he muttered, his tone heavy with sarcasm.

Bertie raised a shoulder in a shrug of agreement. “Hope he takes after Biggles, if you know what I mean,” he murmured, in a voice so low that only Ginger could hear.


  1. Aww - how sweet is Algy in this instalment? I just want to hug him. Everyone should have Algy in their lives to help pour oil on troubled waters....

    Bertie said: "Hope he takes after Biggles...."
    Don't we all! Two Jane types on the prowl would be just too too much for anyone to cope with!

    Wonderful update.

  2. Couldn't agree more, JJ.too many Janes simple wouldn't do. This is lovely, Soppy.

  3. Wasn't expecting this to have with my breakfast coffee! Great Soppy, and I just love how Algy is looking after both Sebastian and Biggles.

    I'm uneasy though that Biggles seems to have some lingering feelings for Jane.

  4. What a wonderful surprise to see chapter two posted :))
    I, too, love the way Algy is looking after both Sebastian and Biggles.
    Poor Sebastian - Biggles better get his act together and start looking after the boy!! Biggles would never turn his own son away, of that I'm sure!!
    But I'm with SA....getting a bit uneasy at Biggles' lingering attraction to the dastardly Jane.....
    Can't wait for Chapter Three :)))

  5. Biggles was always soppy about Jane. Don't think we ever worked out why.

    Oddly enough, remember how nervous he got when Jane mentioned children to him? Maybe she had this planned all along...

  6. Well congrats on the name. Exactly the right name


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© The Algy Chronicles
Maira Gall