Biggles and Son: Chapter 17.

by Sopwith

Disclaimer: I do not own, or claim to own, any of the Biggles series characters used in this work. This fan fiction was written for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered part of the official storyline.

Warning: Non canon type fan fiction works may contain severe time mix-ups and character deviations.

A knock on the door woke Algy from a deep slumber the next morning. He glanced up wearily as his door opened and Brechovich, looking somewhat disheveled, looked in. “We go,” was his somewhat cryptic order, before the door closed behind him again.

Groaning, and muttering under his breath about people who did not understand the need for sleep, Algy got out of bed and got dressed as quickly as he could. Once done with this, he went down to the main area of the pub to find Brechovich and Jane waiting for him.

They were holding hands.

Algy gritted his teeth and said nothing.

“Good,” said Brechovich, noticing Algy’s presence. “I get car. You wait.”

He let go of Jane’s hand and strolled out of the pub without any other explanation. Algy awkwardly made his way to stand next to Jane. He did not know where to look or what to say. He felt as though he had suddenly grown an extra leg.

“You don’t have to look so disapproving,” said Jane, sounding annoyed.

“I’m not disapproving of anything,” retorted Algy, although he did disapprove, and quite a bit at that.

“Yes, you are!” said Jane. “Every time I so much as look at him, I can hear you glaring at me. What is your problem?”

“I don’t have a problem,” said Algy stiffly, despite the fact that anyone with eyes could see from his body language that he did, very clearly, have a problem. “It’s none of my business how you choose to carry on with strange men.”

“Strange men?” echoed Jane, her voice getting just a bit shrill. “What do you mean, strange men? And how exactly am I ‘choosing to carry on’, exactly?”

“You’re a married woman,” said Algy, even more stiffly. “It isn’t decent to be kissing someone who isn’t Big—who isn’t your husband. At least in England we see it that way. I don’t know how you Yanks consider it.”

“Oooh,” said Jane mockingly. “Aren’t we high and mighty all of a sudden? For your information, what I choose to do, with or without my husband, is none of your business!”

“I never said it was any of my business,” growled Algy. “You were the one who asked.”

“Let me tell you something, Algernon,” snapped Jane, losing her temper. “I don’t consider James to be my husband any more. I’ve sent him his ring back. We’ve broken up. The only reason I haven’t filed for divorce is because I’ve been too busy. Oh, and do you want to know the reason we broke up, by the way, while we’re talking about things that are your business? The reason we broke up was you!”

What?” said Algy, completely flabbergasted.

“Fourteen years ago, I gave James a choice. I told him to pick me or you, and he picked you. That’s why I walked away, and that’s why I sent him his ring back. He was more worried about you getting shot than he was about me getting unkidnapped!”

Algy struggled to think back fourteen years, to see if he had any memory of the event that Jane had just thrown in his face. His memory came up blank. And then he remembered something. “Weren’t you the one who shot me?”

“Yeah,” said Jane, meeting his eyes squarely. “So what?”

Algy threw up his hands. “So what? What do you mean, so what? You broke up with your husband because he was more worried about his dying friend than he was about you, for one minute of his life? And what is this, anyway, this mission you tried to get Biggles on? Is this some sort of sick revenge, making him go undercover on a mission to see you kissing with your boyfriend every ten seconds?”

“Stop using that stupid nickname for him! His name is James! And Stefan isn’t my boyfriend!”

“What do you call him, then?”

Jane ignored the question. “I wanted James here so that he could see I’ve moved on, that I’m much better without him. I wanted him to see what he let go of, and what he isn’t getting back. Instead I get you here, all judgmental and holier-than-thou. Who do you think you are anyway, telling me what I can and can’t do?”

Algy’s mouth had dropped open during this long heated speech, and after it ended he had to struggle to find words. “If you have a single shred of decency in your soul—” he began, in strangled tones.

“I’m going to show him up,” promised Jane. “And I don’t care who gets in my way while I’m doing it. You can consider yourself warned.”


At that moment a car pulled up in front of the pub door with Brechovich at the wheel. He waved a hand, indicating that they should join him. Jane attempted to get into the passenger seat, but Algy, feeling a savage stab of satisfaction, beat her to it. Brechovich did not comment on this, so Jane, sulkily, was forced to get into the back seat.

She said something to Brechovich as the car began to move on again. It was in a language that Algy did not know, so he had no way of knowing what she was saying, but it was clear from her batting eyelashes and flirtatious smile—as well as Brechovich’s answering smile—what the general context was.

“Well, this is a lovely kettle of fish,” he thought glumly to himself. “In the same car as Brechovich and Jane. Could this get any worse?”

And then he looked back and saw a familiar car following them, and he realized that things could, in fact, get worse. A lot worse.


  1. Wonderful - I am so happy. Algy now knows Biggles chose him over Jane and Jane has made it clear she doesn't want Biggles back.

    The only problem is, what desperate trouble is in store for Algy and Biggles :-S

    And what about poor Sebastian… I wonder which of them he'd choose. I don't suppose Biggles and Algy really want yet another teenager to knock into shape though - once is probably enough ;)

  2. And I meant to say Soppy, how witty the conversation between Algy and Jane is. It is truly magnificently funny and clever. I just re-read it to enjoy the writing as well as the plot :)

  3. Gosh! Just when I thought Jane couldn't possibly stoop any lower - she has!
    That was one seriously entertaining instalment. This story just keeps getting better and better! :)

    Loved the way Algy pinched the front passenger seat from Jane :D
    Serves her right for calling him 'Algernon' in that way. How dare she use that tone of voice with my boy? :(

  4. Well, this is warming up! (As if it hadn't been already...)
    Poor old Algy. I wonder how many times we've commented that throughout your fan-fics, Soppy? Still, I've never liked Jane less... not that I've ever liked here at all... it's just that she's getting a bit more unbearably *annoying*. You get my point. At least things are *seeming* straighter... or at least they were until the last line or so! :)
    Can't wait for the next update, and thanks for the double chapter Soppy

  5. AA*correcting_herself*February 11, 2014 at 3:42 AM

    *...her at all

  6. You are very punctilious over correcting your typos :) Most admirable - I just notice mine and squirm...

  7. Ah, I never notice them SA :) I think we all just notice our own!
    P.S. Anyone else keep re-reading this? Soppy's standards are so engrossing...

  8. P.P.S. It's so funny how we all check the site *every day*! I think we can truly call ourselves devoted Algy-ists... or maybe we're just devoted Soppy-fanfic-ists?... No, we're happily both :)

  9. I'm a very happy Algy/Biggles/Soppy fanfic - ist :)

  10. Might even chuck Ginger and Bertie in there? My, that does sound fine. A Biggles-Algy-Ginger-Bertie-Soppy ist :)

  11. In fact, that is a bit mean. Maybe we should include Marie? After all, it's not as if she did any harm to any of our boys... she's almost as lovely as Jane... No? You don't want her on your team? Oh come on people, be fair... :)
    (Sorry Soppy - I've taken to being sarcastic in your comments box... appropriately so, considering subject of this blog?)

  12. And if Marie, then why not Erich… After all, Biggles had some regard for him :)

    Well, may be not… Just felt the need to add something while waiting for chapter 18!!!!! :)

  13. Definitely... and then we might add Smyth and Raymond? How's it looking now... a Biggles-Algy-Bertie-Ginger-Marie-Erich-Raymond-Smyth ist... Very accurate!! :)
    Ah yes, Chapter 18... *subtle hint*

  14. SA--not entirely sure that you should be happy that Biggles chose Algy over Jane only at the very last minute! I hate to remind you, but prior to the choosing of Algy, Biggles had already kicked Algy out of his house, called him a traitor, and left him in the lurch!

    And even though Jane doesn't want Biggles...I'm not so sure that he doesn't want her!!!!

    JJ-YOUR boy? Excuse me???????

    Algy pinching the front seat is nice and satisfying. Algy, 1; Jane, 0.

    AA--I have no doubt that the phrase "poor old Algy" is going to be used again very soon...very, very soon, if you get my drift.

    I don't know about the rest of you, but I am forever and always a devoted Algy-ist and ONLY an Algy-ist.

    So there. :P

  15. Absolutely with you on this one Soppy...
    Algy and Algy only.... ;)

    There's NO WAY Marie and Erich will ever get a look in. XC

    (Shudder - the very thought of it!)

  16. Hear hear! I can (vaguely) understand someone liking Erich, but Marie....NEVER NEVER NEVER. (And I'm not even a Biggles fan and I'm this passionate about it...which should say something...)

  17. Just love Algy being very protective of Biggles . The by-play between him and Jane is superb.

  18. Algy is always nice to Biggles.

    Not sure that the reverse is true though...


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© The Algy Chronicles
Maira Gall